Çocuk ve Medeniyet Dergisi https://cocukvemedeniyet.cocukvakfi.org.tr/index.php/CMD <div class="header-baslik">Çocuk ve Medeniyet Dergisi, Çocuk Vakfı'nın resmi yayın organıdır.</div> Çocuk Vakfı tr-TR Çocuk ve Medeniyet Dergisi 2687-3036 Çocuk Vakfı'nın Sunuşu https://cocukvemedeniyet.cocukvakfi.org.tr/index.php/CMD/article/view/318 Çocuk ve Medeniyet Copyright (c) 2023 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 8 14 6 6 Çocukların Payına Yoksulluğu Düşüren Dünya https://cocukvemedeniyet.cocukvakfi.org.tr/index.php/CMD/article/view/324 <p class="p1">Çocukların Payına Yoksulluğu Düşüren Dünya</p> Mustafa Ruhi Copyright (c) 2023 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 8 14 317 345 An Alternative Model Proposal for Identifying Gifted Potential https://cocukvemedeniyet.cocukvakfi.org.tr/index.php/CMD/article/view/292 <p>In addition to intelligence tests, achievement tests and aptitude tests; product files, project products and rating scales can also be used to identify giftedness. Each of them have different strengths and weaknesses. In this study, an alternative model was proposed to accurately identify gifted students. This model can be used for all gifted individuals, but it can also be used for individuals who are particularly in a disadvantaged position. The proposed model is based on Gagne’s (2003, 2009) Differentiated Model of Giftedness and Talent (DMGT) and dynamic assessments approaches. The model has four hypothetical stages: identifying potential, learning-teaching, final assessment and decision-making. In the study, the theoretical part of the model is shared, how the stages can be realized is explained, and then its strengths and weaknesses are discussed in a controversial way.</p> Şule Demirel Dingeç Copyright (c) 2023 Çocuk ve Medeniyet Dergisi 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 8 14 287 299 10.47646/CMD.2023.292 The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations in Combating Child Poverty and Child Labor: The Case of Pikolo Association and Turkish Red Crescent Society https://cocukvemedeniyet.cocukvakfi.org.tr/index.php/CMD/article/view/302 <p>Nowadays, although awareness and efforts to fight child poverty and child labor have increased, there is insufficient progress regarding the radical solution of the problem. At this point, it is considered important to learn the opinions and suggestions of NGOs on this issue. In light of all this information, the problem of this research is that it is deemed necessary to learn the role of NGOs working in the field of child poverty and child labor in preventing child poverty and child labor, and their opinions and suggestions on the solution of these problems and it is realized that there is a limited number of current research on this issue in the literature. The general purpose of this research is to learn the role of NGOs working in the field of child poverty and child labor in preventing child labor and child poverty, and their opinions and suggestions regarding the solution of the problem. Since the research focuses on the perspectives and experiences of NGOs on child labor, a phenomenological approach, one of the qualitative research methods, was used. Participants were reached through 'snowball sampling' method. In-depth interviews were completed with 25 subjects, and the interviews were recorded and transcribed with a voice recorder. The transcribed data were subjected to descriptive analysis. Within this research's scope, 5 main themes and various sub-themes under the main themes were reached. The main themes of the research are as follows: NGOs' assessments of the causes of child poverty and child labor, NGOs' assessments of the problems caused by child poverty and child labor, NGOs' activities in the fields of child poverty and child labor, findings on the difficulties faced by NGOs, and NGOs' suggestions for solving the problem of child labor and poverty. Due to the recent transformation in the long-dominant central government approach and the recent understanding of the importance of the role of NGOs in solving social problems, it has been observed that there is a limited number of studies on the evaluations and recommendations of NGOs serving in this field. This study will likely contribute to closing this gap in the literature and provide a perspective on combating child poverty and child labor problems.</p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em> </strong>Child poverty, child labor, NGOs, children.</p> Yasemin Özkan Ecem Naz Nazlıer Burcu Başpınar Gizem Bayrak Sevim Nur Çetin Hatice Dede Elif Karakula Hamide Tavus Copyright (c) 2023 Çocuk ve Medeniyet Dergisi 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 8 14 11 52 10.47646/CMD.2023.302 The Importance of Children’s Libraries as an Early Intervention Center for Combating Child Poverty https://cocukvemedeniyet.cocukvakfi.org.tr/index.php/CMD/article/view/296 <p>Child poverty means that the child’s primary needs such as education and health are not met, that he does not have the rights and living standards necessary for living in a society, and that the family does not have a resource to provide all these. If it is not intervened at an early age, this poverty turns into a cycle and is inherited from family to child, and this disadvantage continues for life. One of the problems faced by children struggling with poverty is undoubtedly education poverty. The academic, language and cognitive gap that emerges at the time of birth of socio-economically advantaged children and poor children grows over time if not intervened at an early age. This situation causes poor children to not develop their language skills and vocabulary capacity compared to advantaged children in the same age group, to have slower brain development and to lose their competitiveness when taking common exams such as LGS and YKS. However, studies show that these indicators, which they have started to succumb to, can be minimized, if not equaled, through intervention programs in which poor children will be involved together with their close circles. In this study, it will be explained through a sample project whether it is possible to increase the academic, language and cognitive levels of disadvantaged families and children who are necessarily disadvantaged because of their families, through children’s libraries, which are an out-of-school learning environment, and how children’s libraries can be used as an early intervention center. In this context, how to achieve academic and cognitive equality of opportunity as a result of programs and workshops in which disadvantaged children can be included in children’s libraries; how children’s libraries can be places of learning and socialization for these children and their families; It will be discussed how these services and activities offered by children’s libraries can affect a child’s life, and how the child can get rid of his forced disadvantage.</p> Asiye Kakırman Yıldız Copyright (c) 2023 Çocuk ve Medeniyet Dergisi 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 8 14 53 84 10.47646/CMD.2023.296 The Thousand and One Faces of Child Poverty in Television Series https://cocukvemedeniyet.cocukvakfi.org.tr/index.php/CMD/article/view/312 <p>Poverty, which is frequently discussed around the world, is reconstructed in the media. Poverty, which has come to the agenda of television with commercial broadcasting, is addressed in different ways. Child poverty, which is an important topic of discussion in poverty studies, is one of the least discussed topics in the media. From this point of view, this study analyzes the representations of children in poverty in television series. The series were analyzed in four periods from the 1990’s to the present day. The series examined according to this periodization are: Kaygısızlar, Öyle Bir Geçer Zaman ki, Kızım, Ateş Kuşları. In the series analyzed using Shaul Shenhav’s narrative conceptualization analysis, the themes of absolute and relative poverty were discussed. Child poverty was evaluated in terms of space, characters’ appearances and language use. As a result, it was found that the basic elements of absolute poverty such as nutrition, shelter and clothing were represented as issues that are difficult to access for poor children. Relative poverty, which is the inability to meet the minimum level of educational, health, cultural and social demands, is frequently mentioned in the series through child characters. However, it is understood that both absolute and relative poverty are schematized in the series and the root causes of poverty are not presented.</p> Zeynep Gültekin Akçay Beyza Cettanır Copyright (c) 2023 Çocuk ve Medeniyet Dergisi 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 8 14 85 112 10.47646/CMD.2023.312 New Face of Child Labor: Kidfluence https://cocukvemedeniyet.cocukvakfi.org.tr/index.php/CMD/article/view/314 <p>This research examines the phenomenon of child influencers, that is, “kidfluencers”, which have entered our lives with the increase in social media use, in the context of child labor. In a world where people earn money as their content is clicked, kidfluencer children, whose photos and emotions and efforts are exploited, have become workers of their families and sponsor companies. In this research, which was conducted to understand the way kidfluencers participate in the digital industry as child workers, the photos shared with the #kidfluence tag on the Instagram application were examined. As a result of the descriptive content analysis, three themes emerged: (i) natural moments from children’s daily routine, (ii) children who are the face of a product, and (iii) girls dressed as adults. The themes were discussed with the relevant literature regarding the violation of children’s fundamental rights such as privacy, education and play, and the risks of financial exploitation, neglect and abuse. Within the scope of the study, it was suggested that the Ministry of Labor and Social Security (ÇSGB) and the Ministry of Family and Social Services (ASHB) make regulations to prevent child labor exploitation and digital neglect and abuse in social media productions. In addition, ASHB, the Ministry of National Education (MEB), the Information Technologies and Communication Authority (BTK) need to provide training and prepare public service announcements for parents and children, aiming to raise awareness of the risks involved in social media literacy and content production.</p> Özlem Gözen Günseli Ayça Şaldırdak Copyright (c) 2023 Çocuk ve Medeniyet Dergisi 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 8 14 113 135 10.47646/CMD.2023.314 Investigation of Child Poverty from the Perspective of Art History https://cocukvemedeniyet.cocukvakfi.org.tr/index.php/CMD/article/view/304 <p>Poverty is a phenomenon that persists in every period and is seen at different levels in every society. Poverty, which takes shape in different forms and dimensions and hinders the understanding of welfare, is more palpable on vulnerable groups; women, the elderly, the disabled, etc. Children, who are unprotected and in need of defense, are also among these vulnerable groups. Child poverty can be addressed from many perspectives such as economy, politics, law, social, education and art history. In this study, child poverty is discussed in the discipline of art history within the framework of the reflections of “social realism”, the artistic understanding of the Realism movement in the 20th century. Social realism deals with the lives of ordinary people and the effects of political and socio-economic transformations in society on people. Following the literature review, one work of Kathe Kollwitz, Antoni Berni and Neşet Günal, who are prominent in the field of social realism, dealing with child poverty and the social conditions in which these works were created will be included. For this purpose, with an interdisciplinary approach, the contributions of artists who address the problem of poverty, which is inevitable in every society, through children will be evaluated.</p> Evin Uygur Copyright (c) 2023 Çocuk ve Medeniyet Dergisi 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 8 14 136 156 10.47646/CMD.2023.304 Çocukların Kayıp Sürecinde Rehberlik: Yas ve Çocuk Kitabı Üzerine Bir İnceleme https://cocukvemedeniyet.cocukvakfi.org.tr/index.php/CMD/article/view/321 <p class="p1">Çocukların Kayıp Sürecinde Rehberlik<span class="s1">: </span>Yas ve Çocuk Kitabı Üzerine Bir İnceleme</p> Gamze Taflan Copyright (c) 2023 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 8 14 300 303 Narsisizmin Zehirli Dikeni: Çocuk Düşmanlığı Çocuklara Karşı Önyargıyla Yüzleşme https://cocukvemedeniyet.cocukvakfi.org.tr/index.php/CMD/article/view/288 <p>Bu çalışmada psikiyatrist Elisabeth Young-Beruehl'in kaleme almış olduğu ve Aksu Bora'nın Türkçe'ye çevirmiş olduğu Çocuk Düşmanlığı adlı eserin incelemesi yapılmıştır. </p> Hilal Kazıcı Copyright (c) 2023 Çocuk ve Medeniyet Dergisi 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 8 14 304 308 10.47646/CMD.2023.288 Child Poverty: The Education Factor on the Axis of Cause, Consequence, and Solution https://cocukvemedeniyet.cocukvakfi.org.tr/index.php/CMD/article/view/308 <p>Poverty is multidimensional and cannot be explained only by economic concepts; it refers to the individuals’ inability to benefit/being deprived of opportunities necessary to sustain their lives. Although it affects all individuals in society, it especially affects children in disadvantaged groups more deeply. The numerous adverse effects of poverty, which is a global problem, on children - from their health to their education, living on the streets, working/being forced to work, being dragged into crime, being neglected and abused, being excluded, etc. - are an indisputable reality. However, the good upbringing/education of children, who are the future/guarantee of societies, constitutes the driving force of individual and social development. Hence this study first addressed the concepts of poverty, child, and child poverty and then mentioned the causes of poverty/child poverty, thus trying to reveal the effects of poverty on children. Although poverty has numerous effects on children, a particular emphasis was placed on the education factor, which is both a cause, a consequence, and one of the important solutions to child poverty. The present research is a compilation study based on a literature review. Studies on the subject (articles, theses, books, internet resources, legal regulations, laws, etc.) were scanned, statistical data were reviewed and evaluated, and in the following process, the study was reported, and recommendations were presented.</p> Veda Bilican Gökkaya Copyright (c) 2023 Çocuk ve Medeniyet Dergisi 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 8 14 157 176 10.47646/CMD.2023.308 Social Security in Fighting Child Poverty https://cocukvemedeniyet.cocukvakfi.org.tr/index.php/CMD/article/view/310 <p>Child poverty is a complex problematic that cannot be tackled solely on the basis of income level. How child needs are defined, how they are met, how resources reach the household and how they are shared, how the child is associated with continuous services such as care, and how parents are supported are of decisive importance in the fight against child poverty. In our study, which argues that the social security system should play a functional role in this struggle, the phenomenon of combating child poverty is addressed on the basis of the right to social security. In our country, where family insurance, which is an effective social insurance practice in preventing children from facing the risk of poverty, have not yet been put into practice, attention has been drawn to the sociopolitical gaps created by the inadequacy of the our social security system in combating household-oriented poverty. In conclusion, it has been argued that all children should be directly insured against socio-economic risks as in general health insurance, that there is a need to determine widow/widower pensions based on the poverty profile and needs of the household and that it is beneficial to implement child-oriented social insurance practices.</p> Hicran Atatanır Copyright (c) 2023 Çocuk ve Medeniyet Dergisi 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 8 14 177 188 10.47646/CMD.2023.310 The Invisible Face of The Covid-19 Period: Child Labor https://cocukvemedeniyet.cocukvakfi.org.tr/index.php/CMD/article/view/301 <p>“Child labor” is often defined as work that prevents children from experiencing their childhood, diminishes their potential and dignity and is harmful to their physical and mental development. The article published in 1775 by British surgeon Percivall Pott on children working as chimney sweeps and their health risks shows the long history of child labor. With the Industrial Revolution child labour became more visible. Today, it continues to be universal problem. In 2019, the rapidly spreading Covid-19 pandemic negatively affected the economy and working conditions. The restrictions imposed during the Covid-19 pandemic have created a crisis in the economy and poverty rates have increased. With the closure of schools, children stared to be more involved in business life and faced the danger of working under harsh conditions. This article evaluates the Covid-19 period and its impact on child labor.</p> Fadime Kübra Ozan Sevinç Pehlivan Sütlü Copyright (c) 2023 Çocuk ve Medeniyet Dergisi 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 8 14 189 198 10.47646/CMD.2023.301 Discussing The Future of Children Within the Context of Poverty and Environment: An Examination from the Perspective of School Social Work https://cocukvemedeniyet.cocukvakfi.org.tr/index.php/CMD/article/view/295 <p>Globalization, concomitant with the escalating socio-economic and environmental inequalities, has elevated child poverty into a formidable challenge in both developing and developed nations. This circumstance, by reinforcing the vulnerable status of children, engenders an intergenerational cycle of poverty through the solidification of the phenomenon of poverty. Due to the adverse effects, it has caused in recent years on existing areas of struggle and intervention, including environmental inequalities, the social work profession has expanded its focus beyond preventing neglect and abuse of disadvantaged individuals, particularly addressing issues such as poverty prevention, protection, care, rehabilitation, and support. One of the structural problems caused by these environmental factors is child poverty. From this standpoint, this study focuses on the perspective of school social work, which is recognized as a specialized field within the social work discipline, centered on the principles of social justice, human rights, shared responsibility, and respect for diversity. The study emphasizes the outlook of school social work on the adverse relationship between child poverty and environmental factors, and delves into its roles and responsibilities in combating this issue by addressing the barriers to individuals’ social functionality. Furthermore, the study attempts to provide solutions from the perspective of school social work in the battle against child poverty, considering the interconnected factors that feed into the causes and consequences of child poverty.</p> Berceste İlter Copyright (c) 2023 Çocuk ve Medeniyet Dergisi 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 8 14 199 233 10.47646/CMD.2023.295 Policies of European Welfare States On Child Poverty And The Effects Of Covid-19 https://cocukvemedeniyet.cocukvakfi.org.tr/index.php/CMD/article/view/300 <p>Child poverty is a universal social problem experienced not only by underdeveloped or underdeveloped countries, but also by developed countries. It is absurd to talk about prosperity in a world where children, the most important human capital of the future, are deprived of love, affection and education; where they are forced to work, earn money and even grow up. This article, which presents a comparative analysis of child poverty among European Union (EU) countries, discusses the negative effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on child poverty and child labour, and emphasizes the importance of national policies and international cooperation to address this problem. In this context; the aim of the study is to examine child poverty in the welfare states of the European Union and to emphasize that the problem in question is a global issue that needs a solution. In the first part of the study, the reflection of the concepts of poverty and deprivation on children within the conceptual framework is emphasized, and the determinants of child poverty and child labour are mentioned in the context of cause and effect relationship. In the second part following the study, the scientific literature on child poverty was mapped based on the four welfare state models of the European Union, and the approaches, strategic solution plans and policies of the member countries to reduce child poverty were examined. In the third part, the effects of Covid-19, which is the global epidemic of our age, on child poverty and child labor are discussed and the negative developments in the member countries of the European Union are discussed. In addition, in order to avoid conceptual confusion in the study, there are tables showing the different features of the four welfare state models and graphs including the current data of Eurostat.</p> Aybüke Burcu Er Copyright (c) 2023 Çocuk ve Medeniyet Dergisi 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 8 14 234 262 10.47646/CMD.2023.300 Sayı Editörü Sunuşu https://cocukvemedeniyet.cocukvakfi.org.tr/index.php/CMD/article/view/319 Ercem Erkul Copyright (c) 2023 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 8 14 7 10 Hakkı Baha Pars’ın “Monolog-Ben Filosof Oldum” Adlı Eserinin Çevirisi https://cocukvemedeniyet.cocukvakfi.org.tr/index.php/CMD/article/view/323 <p class="p1">Hakkı Baha Pars’ın “Monolog-Ben Filosof Oldum” Adlı Eserinin Çevirisi</p> Muhammet Kemaloğlu Copyright (c) 2023 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 8 14 309 316 Künye Bilgileri https://cocukvemedeniyet.cocukvakfi.org.tr/index.php/CMD/article/view/320 Çocuk ve Medeniyet Copyright (c) 2023 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 8 14 Social Work Planned Intervention Process in the Context of Child Poverty: Case Study https://cocukvemedeniyet.cocukvakfi.org.tr/index.php/CMD/article/view/306 <p>Poverty appears as a multidimensional concept that affects the individual’s life in many ways and prevents access to fundamental rights and causes rights violations. Children are undoubtedly one of the groups most affected by poverty. In today’s world, being born into a poor family can lead to a child not being able to access basic human rights such as life, health, shelter and education. Children who cannot access these rights have to struggle with many other problems such as poverty, being dragged into crime, social exclusion and labeling. All these problems also cause children not to have access to education, which is the most important tool they can use to get out of poverty. One of the main reasons why children cannot access their right to education due to poverty is peer bullying. A child struggling with poverty may be exposed to social exclusion and labeling by his peers due to being poor. The child who is exposed to these behaviors may experience a decrease in his/her sense of belonging to the school, which may cause him/her to move away from school. Thus, the child has not been able to access his right to education and is faced with a violation of his rights. A multidimensional perspective and a multidisciplinary intervention process is required to eliminate this violation of rights created by a multidimensional concept such as poverty. For this reason, school social work and school psychological counselor department need to work in harmony and cooperation and carry out comprehensive and multidimensional interventions. Within the scope of this study, it is aimed to convey a fictional case, aimed at eliminating the violation of rights that occurs as a result of social exclusion and peer bullying due to poverty, with applications carried out in the stages of the social work planned intervention process. The results and recommendations obtained from the multidimensional social work intervention will be discussed.</p> Doğucan Catulay Zilan Uğurlu Copyright (c) 2023 Çocuk ve Medeniyet Dergisi 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 8 14 263 286 10.47646/CMD.2023.306