Determination And Elimination Of Misconceptions Of Gifted 5th Grade Students On The Subject Of The Earth, the Sun and the Moon


  • Selman Ülker Manisa Bilim ve Sanat Merkezi
  • Aysel Kocakülah Balıkesir Üniversitesi, Necatibey Eğitim Fakültesi, Matematik ve Fen Bilimleri Eğitimi Bölümü, Fen Bilgisi Eğitimi Anabilim Dalı.



Gifted Student, Misconception, Sun, Earth, Moon


One of the subjects that attracts students' attention in the field of science is Space. However, there are some misconceptions about this subject that interests students. Some scientific knowledge may conflict with students' learning environments, life and experiences, and beliefs. Because of this contradiction, students attribute misconceptions to scientific knowledge. In this way, the non-scientific interpretation process is explained by the term misconception. The aim of this study is to determine the existing misconceptions of gifted 5th grade students on the subject of the Earth, the Sun and the Moon, and to carry out an application-oriented activity to eliminate these misconceptions and to reveal whether the students' misconceptions can be overcome at the end of the application. Embedded experimental design, one of the mixed method research designs, was used in the study. The study group consists of 44 gifted 5th grade students selected by the easily accessible sampling method. In the literature review, it was seen that there was not enough study about the misconceptions of gifted students about the Earth, the Sun, the Moon. This situation was effective in choosing the study group from among the gifted students. As a data collection tool, the misconceptions test about the Earth, Sun and Moon developed by Bolat, Aydoğdu, Uluçınar Sağır and Değirmenci (2014) was used and detailed information was obtained with an unstructured interview. Before the application, it was revealed that the students had misconceptions about the shape and movements of the Earth, the Sun and the Moon, the reason for the formation of the day and night, the reason for the formation of the phases of the Moon and the phases of the Moon. As a result of a 2-hour practical lesson with students, it was revealed that the students' misconceptions were significantly eliminated. In the future studies, conducting practical activities in the teaching of the subject of Earth, Sun and Moon will prevent the occurrence of misconceptions in students and will eliminate the existing misconceptions, so such practices can be recommended.


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How to Cite

Ülker, S., & Kocakülah, A. (2020). Determination And Elimination Of Misconceptions Of Gifted 5th Grade Students On The Subject Of The Earth, the Sun and the Moon. Çocuk Ve Medeniyet Dergisi, 5(10).


