Çocuklarla Felsefeye Varoluşsal Bir Bakış


  • Rabia Dirican Gazi Üniversitesi Gazi Eğitim Fakültesi Temel Eğitim Bölümü


Philosophy, Education, Philosophy with Children


It is possible to find traces of the philosophy with children that are an interesting topics of resent years in antient tradition. The necessity of re-examining this subject, which is as old as the human’s being a human being, with a structure that includes emancipation against all kinds of authority and a righteous dexterity with a fresh perspective in the aims and necessities of contemporary education is born. In this article, it was aimed to examine philosophy with children, with an existential point of view in the context of human-educationphilosophy. It was desired to explain how the content of philosophy with children in Turkey should be based on the definitions and characteristics of human, education and philosophy. It has been pointed out that philosophy is an educating way as the person builds his or her personality by making reference to the differences between identity, personality and character, the way of dealing with the philosophy should be initiated as early as possible, by introducing children to philosophy. Moreover, it was achieved not only to promote children’s philosophers and philosophical movements to children, but to guide them in their personal identity in order to establish a more liveable world. It is emphasized that since the early ages, a mind disciplined by philosophy has sought social prejudices and stereotypical ideas as a sifter, sifting toward true and real, and that such a preliminary sieve gives philosophy an ethical and aesthetic attitude to children. The person with an ethical and aesthetic attitude acts with the awareness that he and other people are not objects but subjects. This consciousness is a fundamental element of humanity that every human being must possess in order to make the world a more livable place in unity and tolerance. In this context, it is possible to say that philosophy, such as science and art, is a human achievement and action for human beings.

In this article, some of the mistakes in the education system are considered and the effects of philosophy in overcoming these mistakes are mentioned. To memorize a set of facts, to say that you will only go from one way to the truth, to ignore the child’s free will and personality traits, to draw a predetermined course to him, and to take the decision-making freedom with test logic are some of the mistakes determined. At this point, philosophy will question the child’s free will by interrogating and questioning, and will give the power to fight whatever it is that will keep the thinking necessary to be able to know right from wrong and to think critically, and to keep it alive in its free existence and in personality. When we reconsider in the triangle of human-education and philosophy, philosophy with children stands as an objection to all kinds of slavery, a plan of rebirth and the design of being. Within all inaccuracies noticed in the educational system and society, philosophy with children is a candidate to become a hopeful light to change the usual destiny of the Word.


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How to Cite

Dirican, R. (2018). Çocuklarla Felsefeye Varoluşsal Bir Bakış. Çocuk Ve Medeniyet Dergisi, 2(4). Retrieved from https://cocukvemedeniyet.cocukvakfi.org.tr/index.php/CMD/article/view/52


